How to Write Successful Commercial Property Advertising

How to Write Successful Commercial Property Advertising

In commercial real estate brokerage every good quality exclusive listing should be directed at a particular target market. In that way you can optimise the enquiry and the inspection opportunities. Every property advertisement should be tuned to the target market and the local market conditions.  That’s your job! As the property specialist, you are the…

A Complete Package of Advertising Principles for Commercial Real Estate Brokers

To a large degree, the choice of media to be used in commercial real estate marketing will have an impact on advertising design and layout.  There are however choices to be made allowing for the amount of marketing spend, and the message to be conveyed. The most effective time to attract enquiry for any listed…

Why You Should Track Internet Activity on Commercial Real Estate Listings

The internet for commercial real estate agents is becoming a busier place in so many different ways.  To effectively work with exclusive listings we should now track online listing results for hits and enquiries in a constant and ongoing way. From the tracking process we can then know what is working and what is not…

Commercial Real Estate Agents – Make Your Property Marketing Sizzle and Attract Enquiries

In commercial real estate there are plenty of things to do in attracting more readerships to your advertisements.  It is one thing to use the right choices of media; it is another to encourage readership and enquiry.  You can make your marketing really sizzle through simple strategies. Here are some marketing rules to set the…

Advertising and Marketing Leverage in Commercial Real Estate Listings

The advertising and marketing process in commercial real estate today should be well crafted and matched to the property type, the local area, and your target market. With many properties on the market, each new listing needs to stand out as relevant and well packaged for inspection and negotiation.  Gone are the days of the…

Internet Marketing Rules for Commercial Real Estate Agents

In commercial real estate agency today the impact of the Internet is significant and real.  This then says that every agent should have a specific Internet Marketing strategy that applies to their promotional activities. There are two specific elements to be considered when it comes to property promotion and commercial real estate agency.  Consider the…

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