business people walking together

Successful Team Structures in Commercial Real Estate Leasing

In commercial real estate leasing brokerage, the team structure and approach to property market activity and client contact cannot be ignored; it can give you an advantage in any town or city marketplace. Respect the leasing market for what it is and build plenty of momentum exclusively specialising in the property requirements of tenants and…

Strategies for a Customer Service Booth in a Retail Shopping Center

In a retail shopping centre the concept of a customer service station works well, particularly with the bigger retail properties.  When you have plenty of people walking around a retail property looking to purchase goods and services, there can be confusion and special needs evolving with shoppers; those needs should be addressed effectively so that…

business people meeting in city office

Commercial Real Estate Brokerage – Be the Matchmaker for Property Deals

Many property deals can be found, nurtured, and shaped ‘off market’.  You simply have to master the art of ‘matchmaking’; which is the process of finding the right people and the right properties.  That then becomes a ‘matchmaking service’ in commercial real estate brokerage. When you master that process comprehensively, you can then be the catalyst in…

empty office space for lease

8 Ways to Improve Investment Property Performance When Leasing Vacant Premises

I get really annoyed when I see a leasing person marketing, negotiating and closing on a property lease with little regard to broader lease strategies that could improve the greater property performance.   Top agents don’t do that! Far too many leasing agents just negotiate a lease deal on a ‘singular’ basis; that is one tenant,…

vacant office premises

Essential Tenant Control Systems and Strategies in Commercial Real Estate Leasing and Property Management

If you manage a commercial or retail property, you will know all too well that the tenants in occupancy can make or break the property’s performance for the landlord. The greater the number of tenants in the property mix, the larger the control problem. When you are controlling tenants in an investment property, there are…

How to Establish a Clear Market Position in Commercial Property Management

Commercial property management is quite different when compared to leasing and sales although the clients are similar.  In property management you are working with the client for the long haul.  Issues and strategies can take months if not years to bring to finality. The property management division of your business can serve a client for…

Commercial Real Estate Leasing – 8 Ways Vacancies Create Plenty of Opportunity in Investment Property

A vacancy is a good thing in some investment properties today.  An empty tenancy space or upcoming vacancy will give you the chance to change or upgrade things within the property.  It will also give you the opportunity to move businesses and tenancies around into alternative locations. Vacancy management is a real strategy and a…

Effective Things to do in any Commercial Property Presentation

Commercial real estate brokerage today can be quite competitive when it comes to any listing opportunity and client presentation.  It is very common for a single listing opportunity to be tendered between numbers of agents. Beware of the client that demands too much as part of the listing process.  Difficult clients are those that typically…

Commercial Real Estate Leasing Agents – Contribute So Many Ideas to Your Leasing Strategy

When you are servicing commercial real estate landlords, there are just so many ideas that you can contribute to help them through a leasing and tenant mix challenge.  Become the local solution provider that your investment property clients need and remember at the right time. Your clients require timely and effective leasing results.  You can…

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