Solution Based Listing Presentations in Commercial Real Estate

In a commercial property presentation or sales pitch, organise your presentation and recommendations in a logical way to help the client understand the importance of your message and the marketing choices that you offer. Simplicity will always win over complexity when it comes to a property presentation or proposal layout.  Make your message clear and…

Prospecting Pain Serves You Well in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

In commercial real estate brokerage, you will need to go through some degree of prospecting pain and call reluctance.  Over time you will start to see some results with new clients and listings.  When you do that, the prospecting pain starts to diminish. It is no secret that many agents and brokers struggle with call…

Franchise Tenants are Leasing Opportunities for Brokers
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Franchise Tenants are Leasing Opportunities for Brokers

Without a doubt, franchise tenants are a good opportunity for Commercial Real Estate Brokers and Agents from a leasing perspective.  That being said, the brokers and agents really do need to understand what those franchise tenants require within the premises and also the essential locational factors of the property. So here are some factors that…

Leasing Market Briefings for Landlords Create Better Lease Outcomes

In commercial real estate brokerage today, it pays for you to keep your landlords up to date when it comes to market trends and tenant enquiry. The levels of market rental and vacancy trends will change throughout the year. Market awareness helps landlords make better leasing decisions. It will also help you convert more lease…