8 Ways to Improve Investment Property Performance When Leasing Vacant Premises

8 Ways to Improve Investment Property Performance When Leasing Vacant Premises

I get really annoyed when I see a leasing person marketing, negotiating and closing on a property lease with little regard to broader lease strategies that could improve the greater property performance.   Top agents don’t do that! Far too many leasing agents just negotiate a lease deal on a ‘singular’ basis; that is one tenant,…

Commercial Real Estate Leasing and Management – Generating More Income from Tenants

When it comes to commercial property investment, there are always different ways to handle rental income.  The most important strategy to have sorted from the very start is a good lease. Unfortunately it is the case that some investors cut corners on lease documentation (to save money) by using some generic lease that really doesn’t…

Essential Interview Questions for Qualifying Industrial Property Tenants

The questions that you ask industrial tenants today will help you shortlist the properties that you quote to them, and subsequently inspect.  In that way you can focus your efforts and your property inspections on the listings that really matter; that will then lift your conversions as a leasing specialist in the property market.  Get…

Accurate Tenant Mix Strategies in Shopping Centers
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Accurate Tenant Mix Strategies in Shopping Centers

Retail leasing and particularly in shopping centers are specialised parts of our property industry. Those of us that know the processes would probably say that it is a most interesting part of the business.  I would agree. Some retail leasing specialists make very large brokerage commissions because they are focusing on some if not all…

Commercial Real Estate Leasing Agents – How to Handle Difficult Properties to Lease

I was recently talking with an agent that had a vacant industrial property to lease.  The client had just rung up on the telephone to ask about progress in leasing.  The property had been vacant for 3 months and only one inspection had occurred.  Naturally the client was upset at not having a tenant in…

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