Ideas for Shaping Your Destiny as a Commercial Real Estate Agent Today

Ideas for Shaping Your Destiny as a Commercial Real Estate Agent Today

In commercial real estate brokerage, the results that you achieve will be largely influenced by the personal processes and efforts you apply in your local property market. Some agents make the big mistake of focusing on too many issues at once and on that basis achieve only random results. If you want get anywhere with…

The Balance of Risk and Reward in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage Brings Opportunity

There is plenty of risk in commercial real estate brokerage.  The same can be said for rewards for agents and brokers.  The rewards and particularly commissions only come after a degree of risk taking.  The trick is to take those risks in a controlled way so they do not impact growth of market share and…

How to Build a Career as an Agent in Commercial Real Estate Investment Sales

The commercial real estate investment sales market can be highly lucrative and rewarding for agents and brokers. That being said, if this is a segment of the market of interest to you, take the time to understand investment strategies and results relating to property types locally.  Look at how properties have changed over the years…

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