mindmap for commercial real estate agents on computer screen with man viewing

Maximizing Potential: The Critical Role of Referrals in Commercial Real Estate

In commercial real estate, it pays to concentrate your listing and client contact efforts in particular ways. Creating a referral business is a big part of that process. Here is a mindmap to help agents and brokers with that process today. There are several leads and chances to be identified in commercial real estate brokerage…

office space looking out of window

Unlocking the Potential: A Guide to Conducting Investment Property Tours

Every commercial, industrial, or retail investment property will have differences and enhancements worth describing and displaying during a property inspection. This suggests that every agent should carefully consider the strengths and weaknesses of each investment property before conducting an inspection tour with prospective buyers. Once you’ve identified a potential buyer for the property, it’s time…

man standing on building top overlooking city

How to Set Pricing and Marketing Strategies in Commercial Real Estate

In the dynamic world of commercial real estate, staying ahead of the curve is not just an advantage—it’s a necessity. As global property markets experience unprecedented shifts, commercial real estate agents face new challenges and opportunities. This video delves into the art and science of setting the correct pricing and implementing effective marketing strategies to…

marketing strategy planning

How to Comprehensively Market a Commercial Property on the Internet

When you have a commercial property to take to the market, there are a number of ways you can reach your target audience. Importantly, choices should be made with each property listing to get the message out and to connect with the people that you are reaching out to. There are some differences in the…

people sitting at desk discussing marketing

How to Get Higher Results With Local Area Marketing

Put some strategy into your property promotion activities and particularly so with local area marketing. When you do that, you can attract both enquiry and future listing opportunities.  The local area is so important to your business building activities and in building your brokerage market share. Build your local area marketing plan across particular precincts,…

commercial real estate training podcast by John Highman

How to Turn Your Property Marketing into a Hit in Sales and Leasing

When you have a commercial property to take to the market, do so with a specific focus on quality marketing.  Don’t take the ‘generic approach’ to property promotion.  In this podcast today, John Highman shares some special ideas to help you improve your property exposure with your target market in sales and or leasing.  It…

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