How to Get Higher Results With Local Area Marketing
Put some strategy into your property promotion activities and particularly so with local area marketing. When you do that, you can attract both enquiry and future listing opportunities.
The local area is so important to your business building activities and in building your brokerage market share. Build your local area marketing plan across particular precincts, building types, and property ownership records. Set your targets on particular client types, locations, and buildings.
In this podcast today, you can learn how to specifically focus on the local area and include business owners and investors as part of that promotional strategy. These ideas can help you build your market share effectively and faster than the more traditional level of brokerage approach.

In today’s podcast you can learn the following:
- How you can take every listing to a new level of engagement in the local area with the right people. The idea here is that you can select the best precincts and the right people as part of a target marketing approach with every listing. Do more with every single listing that you have currently.
- How you can build momentum from your current listing bank. Prioritise your listings for opportunity and enquiry. Position your listings into target market areas and zones.
- Why you should consider the days of the week as part of your promotion strategy. Some days of the week are more effective when it comes to property promotion and enquiry.
- Why you should connect with local investors and local business owners as part of every property promotion. Put the local area at the centre of your strategic marketing approaches.
- Why you should optimize every property listing opportunity comprehensively across a target market in your local area. Find the right people in the right precincts to promote your listings directly and efficiently.
- Why you should prioritise your promotional activities between open listings and exclusive listings. You should be converting more exclusive listings to successful results over time. Open listings really don’t take a place of priority in any property marketing strategy.
So there are some ideas here for you to optimise and improve on when it comes to your listing activities and the marketing campaigns that you structure for each. Do more with your property promotions, that is the message.