escalator in a shopping mall

Key Principles of Managing a Retail Shopping Center

Shopping centres are quite special in a number of ways when you consider the property management process.   Information has to be gathered.  Essentially the core issues of the property should be reviewed, identified and captured into an ongoing management process.  By ‘core issues’, I am referring to the bigger issues such as lease facts, tenant…

man in property management

How to Present for Commercial Property Managements

The process of pitching and presenting to win a commercial property management is quite special. A good property management appointment is one where you match your services into the clients investment targets and property challenges.  There are things to look at including: All of these things present issues of management and control.  Some of these…

shopping mall escalators
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How to Choose the Right Cleaning Contract in a Retail Shopping Center

Many a shopping center manager would know the challenges of specifying, tendering, and negotiating a cleaning contract in a shopping centre.  There are many things to investigate and watch for as part of establishing the new contract.  Without careful consideration errors can be made in expenditure and presentation that will impact the operations of the…

woman with shopping bags

Capable and Comprehensive Landlord Reporting in Retail Shopping Centers

Most retail shopping centres today are complex, active, and challenging.  There are many things to work through and control in an ongoing way.  A successful shopping centre will usually be a fine balance between tenant occupancy, income generation, customer service, and marketing.   A shopping centre manager is the person to create that balance.   The landlord…

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How to do a Shopping Center Customer Survey

To undertake a successful survey in a retail shopping center, it is wise to consider what you are wanting to achieve from the process.  If you like, the process is where you should be starting with the end result in mind. Understand what you are wanting to know to help the property and its retail…

Strategies for a Customer Service Booth in a Retail Shopping Center

In a retail shopping centre the concept of a customer service station works well, particularly with the bigger retail properties.  When you have plenty of people walking around a retail property looking to purchase goods and services, there can be confusion and special needs evolving with shoppers; those needs should be addressed effectively so that…

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