Building Bridges Through Cold Calling: A Must-Have Skill for Agents

Building Bridges Through Cold Calling: A Must-Have Skill for Agents

Where are the clients and listings you seek in commercial real estate today? They are out there, waiting to be found. The best way to engage with them is to use the telephone systematically. Cold calling builds bridges of trust and confidence with ‘property-interested people’. Many people in the property market need ideas or solutions…

Everything You Wanted to Know About Call Prospecting Now

Everything You Wanted to Know About Call Prospecting Now

At a personal level, every broker and agent seeking to improve their real estate business in this health cycle should be practising and refining telephone conversation systems and processes.   That is all about what to say and how to say it.  You are a ‘solution service’. Engage with people in that way. People want help…

The Cold Call Prospecting Habit that Could Radically Improve Your Business

The Cold Call Prospecting Habit that Could Radically Improve Your Business

Are you struggling with your real estate listings in volume or conversion?  Its time to align your real estate business to the local property market and the best way to do that is with cold calling.  In this podcast today, you can learn how to build a prospecting system that can support your listing and…

Dont Cold Call in Commercial Real Estate Until You Listen to This

Dont Cold Call in Commercial Real Estate Until You Listen to This

In commercial real estate brokerage, there are a few things to understand about making cold calls and reaching out to new people.  The telephone can boost your real estate business faster than anything else, however, there are some skills to learn.  This audio program will help you with the skills of cold calling. Most agents…

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