Developing High Quality Leasing Systems in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

Leasing opportunities in commercial real estate will always exist in any economy and at any time.  On that basis they give leverage to agents looking to improve their market share and interaction with property owners.  When you develop a leasing system, you are creating a pipeline of opportunities with both future sales and property managements. …

Tenant Induction Procedures in Commercial Real Estate Leasing and Property Management

When it comes to leasing and managing a commercial or retail investment property, it is wise to develop a tenant induction process that standardizes and controls the introduction of a tenant to a property.  This is certainly the case when it comes to larger quality property investments with many tenancies. In some retail shopping centers,…

Commercial Real Estate Agents Thriving in a Changing Property Market

Commercial Real Estate Agents Thriving in a Changing Property Market

When a commercial real estate market is slow or changing, it is time to ‘step up a gear’ and drive more new leads and business your way.  You can really thrive as an agent or broker in a changing market.  The same can be said for a slow property market.  Look for the changes and…

Essential Preparations for Preparing a Commercial Property for Lease

To market a commercial office building for lease successfully, the critical factor is to understand and implement the preparation that may be required.  That is certainly the case if there are a lot of other buildings and vacant space around your market to compete with.  You may only get one shot at attracting a tenant,…

6 Strategies to Get More Sales in Commercial Real Estate Agency

The commercial property market will change throughout the year and as part of that, every salesperson should have a focus on individual performance both in commissions and listings.  The challenges of the property market need to be seen and optimized at a local level by an agent.  That is a personal process for every salesperson…