Commercial Brokerage – How to Convert Plenty of Vendor Paid Marketing Monies

Commercial Brokerage – How to Convert Plenty of Vendor Paid Marketing Monies

In commercial brokerage, the monies that you raise from the client as part of the listing process are very important to the result that both you and the client seek.  Sure, you can list a property without marketing funds, but the momentum with inspections and inquiries will be lower.  A poorly promoted property will stay…

Commercial Real Estate Transactions – Ways of Resolving Difficulties in Negotiations

Commercial Real Estate Transactions – Ways of Resolving Difficulties in Negotiations

The longer that you work in commercial real estate brokerage, you will encounter a good variety of pressure and difficulty when it comes to listings, negotiations, transactions, and deal momentum.  A fact-finding process should apply to all client discussions, listings, negotiations, and transaction documentation. (NB – you can get plenty of negotiation tips in our…

Commercial Real Estate Brokerage – Opportunity Knocks Every Day

Commercial Real Estate Brokerage – Opportunity Knocks Every Day

In commercial real estate brokerage, you will meet plenty of people and engage in many different business situations.  People create business, and people should be at the center of any business model for agents and brokers.  Relationships create opportunities.  Trust is also part of the equation. There will be brokerage opportunities potentially available through all…

A Critical Weekly System for Attracting New Business in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

A Critical Weekly System for Attracting New Business in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

In commercial real estate, every broker or agent should have a specific prospecting model that they work to each week as part of attracting good quality clients and listings.  The specific nature of the model will allow each agent and broker to refine activities and results when it comes to property choices and listing strategies. …

Commercial Property Management – How to Control Environmental Factors in your Property Portfolio

Commercial Property Management – How to Control Environmental Factors in your Property Portfolio

Your property management portfolio and the individual properties under management will be impacted by environmental issues through the year.  Some of those properties will be impacted more than others; that can lead to loss of rent, failure of tenant businesses, and a landlord suffering some investment pressure.  That is where professional property management controls come…

Commercial Real Estate Brokerage Report – How to Get More Appointments

Commercial Real Estate Brokerage Report – How to Get More Appointments

In commercial real estate, there are plenty of people to know and connect with over time.  Getting appointments with people is fundamental to business generation.  The message here is that you have to get in front of people regularly and consistently in your town or city. To get a reasonable amount of traction in the…

Commercial Property Management – How to Ask the Right Questions in a Handover

Commercial Property Management – How to Ask the Right Questions in a Handover

When you are taking on a new retail, office, or industrial property for management, make sure you have a good set of deliberate questions to work through and help you identify the performance issues within the property.  Get to the bottom of the issues relating to income, tenancy mix, maintenance, risk, documentation, and occupancy.  Where…

Commercial Real Estate Brokers – 4 Loyalty Marketing Strategies

Commercial Real Estate Brokers – 4 Loyalty Marketing Strategies

Your database in commercial real estate is perhaps the most important business tool that you have.  That list of people and contacts should be accurate in every respect and growing in a continual way.  If you are looking for more listings and clients over time, the opportunities will be in your database and your client…

Commercial Real Estate Brokers – Ways of Working with Your Clients Property Challenge

Commercial Real Estate Brokers – Ways of Working with Your Clients Property Challenge

Help with the client’s property challenges at the earliest stages.  It is a simple idea, but it is so important in our commercial property industry.  Stay ahead of the client’s property situations and choices.  Help them see the next property choice before they move to it.  Be fully aware of the client’s property portfolio and…

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