Clear Cut Commercial Property Leasing Presentations

Clear Cut Commercial Property Leasing Presentations

When inspecting the commercial property with a prospective tenant you will need to give the person concerned a package of information that outlines the property detail.  The contents and comprehensiveness of the presentation packet in leasing will assist you greatly in converting the deal to a successful lease. So let’s give some thought to the contents…

How to Manage a Commercial or Retail Property Today

How to Manage a Commercial or Retail Property Today

So often we see landlords choose commercial or retail property managers to manage their property with little or no regard to the experience of the people doing the actual management work.  When property performance matters, so do the applied experiences of the property manager and their role in the real estate team. Invariably when you…

Commercial Property Management Tips

Commercial Property Management Tips

In this property market where deals are sometimes harder to put together, the value of the commercial property manager is high in maintaining and directing a sound and good level of commercial property performance. Why does a property owner need a good property manager? A well-managed property will always attract better buyer interest at the…

Best Cold Calling Tips for Commercial Real Estate Agents Today

Best Cold Calling Tips for Commercial Real Estate Agents Today

Many commercial real estate agents and salespeople hate the cold calling process. On that basis, they tend to avoid the activity as much as possible.  Telephone canvassing is a valuable new business process in brokerage. That being said, the most successful commercial salespeople in the industry understand the power of the new business and calling process…

Solving Cold Call Reluctance in Commercial Real Estate Agency Today
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Solving Cold Call Reluctance in Commercial Real Estate Agency Today

Here is how to protect yourself from the impacts of a changing real estate market. When you work in a commercial real estate agency, the cold calling process is a key part of the required prospecting model.  Every salesperson should be making cold calls every working day to new people that they have not spoken…

Prospecting for Clients in Commercial Real Estate Agency Today

Prospecting for Clients in Commercial Real Estate Agency Today

In a commercial real estate agency, you should try to build relationships with clients as quickly as possible that are strong and helpful. The more people you know at deeper levels, the better it is for you. Prospecting for clients is like that. The property industry is very much relationship-driven between agent and prospect. Note that…

Networking and Marketing Tips for Commercial Property Agents

Networking and Marketing Tips for Commercial Property Agents

Relationships that can be built in commercial real estate are important for a number of reasons the greatest of which is being able to fully understand the client’s needs and property challenge or targets. Every client is different and every property is unique. A marketing strategy can be built around those differences. Real estate opportunity…

Commercial Property Agents – Choices in Best Methods of Sale

Commercial Property Agents – Choices in Best Methods of Sale

In this property market, and in taking a commercial property to sale as a real estate agent, everything you do is all about strategy. Don’t be ordinary in your marketing approaches and recommendations. Be very specific with your listing ideas and strategies. The best method of sale has to be chosen and that decision should…