Commercial Property Management Challenges for Agents Today

Commercial Property Management Challenges for Agents Today

The commercial property management process can be quite a challenge when it comes to controlling workload and getting results.  The same can be said about retail property and shopping center management.  On that basis every property manager should be well chosen for skills, knowledge and relevance to the property type. The skill set behind the…

The Perfect Property Management System in Commercial Real Estate Agency

Commercial real estate is a bit different when it comes to property management.  In many respects you are dealing with multiple tenants as part of one big income cash flow. The process takes a lot of focus and effort. The property managers that you apply in your real estate agency to a client’s portfolio should…

Budgeting Tips for Commercial Property Management Today

When it comes to managing commercial property today, the budgeting process is quite important.  When you establish a budget correctly, it can help you as the property manager and also the landlord direct and control the income and expenditure for the asset throughout the financial year. So this financial control process is really suitable for…

Landlord Reporting Tips in Commercial Property Management

The management of commercial and retail property today are complex issues. The profession requires diligent process and highly skilled people. As part of that, the chosen property manager should be reporting to their landlords in a regular and professional way. The size and the complexity of a property under management will dictate the diversity and…

Tenant Management Tips in Commercial Property Management and Leasing

When you manage or lease commercial investment property it is critical that you stay well connected with the tenants in the property.  In this way, you can keep the landlord briefed on property issues and challenges of occupancy. Given that the commercial or retail property market can be a challenge at the moment, the tenant…

Commercial Real Estate Tenants Must be Controlled for Top Property Performance

In commercial property management don’t let your tenants get out of control.  Stay close to your tenants and ahead of their intentions.  The tenants in your managed properties are the lifeblood of the income and the property performance. So many times I see property managers get very busy with ever more properties and more tenants;…

Key Performance Indicators in Commercial Property Management

In commercial property management or retail property management you should have a number of performance indicators to allow you to track the progress of current building and tenant events.  It is no secret that many property managers are very busy most of the time; it is therefore very easy to overlook key facts and issues….

Handover Points in Commercial Real Estate Property Management

When you work in commercial real estate property management or shopping centre management, you will know the importance of a good property handover from other clients or agents.  If you are on the receiving end of the handover you really must be careful and prepared for the event. The handover process is the only time…