real estate agent team

10 Ways to be Relevant and Real in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

Exactly why would people see you as relevant and different as an agent in commercial real estate brokerage in your town or city?  It is an important question to consider and answer.  If you are looking for more clients and listings, the answer must be there, and you should believe it.  You are part of…

client meet and greet

The 5 Key Secrets of Starting a Career in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

When you start your career in commercial real estate, things can seem to be a bit ‘uphill’ and pressured.  There are things to learn, practice, and action every day.  Behind all that you do, there are clients to find, listings to build, marketing activities to initiate, and transactions to encourage.  Systems and actions are a…

real estate agents standing together

Market Share Tools for Commercial Real Estate Brokers

Commercial real estate is competitive in any town or city. Market share and territory control are good goals to work to.  Other strategies to pull into the process would include listing exclusivity, vendor paid marketing, and online marketing; everything can be improved when you think about it.   Strive to be better than your competitors…

listings in commercial real estate

How Brokers Can List Commercial Property

Learn how to list commercial property more effectively and directly. Get all the facts about the asset, the client, the property, and the precinct. Listing commercial property can be confusing, especially if the asset, the location, or the clients situation is confusing or complex.  You need systems to take your listing process to the ‘next…

business people meet and greet in building

Easy Ways to Establishing a VIP Client Group

In commercial real estate brokerage, you should build a VIP group of people within your database. You can serve that group specifically and directly with tuned property information of relevance. Having worked with many different types of clients over the years, I have seen some strange situations and have worked through some difficult client challenges….

real estate team meeting

A Collection of Client Contact Strategies for Commercial Brokers

In commercial real estate brokerage, your clients should be at the centre of your business model.   Adding clients to your database and your prospects to your database will be a valuable part of building your business.  If you are lacking listings in both sales and leasing, then you are most likely lacking in your database…

business team handshake

The Essential Marketing Brand Strategy for Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

You are your ‘brand’ in commercial real estate brokerage.  Like it or not, people will assess you and your skills before they choose to do business with you, and that is regardless of the brokerage that you work for.  Brand is everything in the property industry; focus on your personal image and profile first and…

real estate agents climbing hill

Online Marketing Ideas for Commercial Real Estate Brokers

In commercial real estate brokerage, the online tools of property promotion are many. All agents and brokers should use articles, blogs, podcasts, and more of those tools to build a personal brand as a property specialist. Learn how to build your brand more comprehensively as a broker for a location and a property type.

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