real estate agent meeting clients in office

Strategies for Commercial Real Estate Agents in a Dynamic Market

Commercial real estate agents are at the forefront of change in the ever-evolving global real estate landscape. The market necessitates adaptability and resilience due to economic shifts, technological advancements, and unforeseen global events. Success in such a dynamic environment requires a strategic approach to finding clients and listings. That is where top agents excel in…

real estate team talking together in office foyer

Top Skills You Need to Give Your Commercial Real Estate Career a Boost

If you are starting a career in commercial real estate brokerage sales and leasing, then it is absolutely critical that you develop a personal marketing plan and skill development strategy at the earliest stages of your new job and career. What is your base plan? Actions taken every day will help your real estate business…

real estate team standing together

Why You Should Grow These 7 Core Competencies in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

There are some core competencies in commercial real estate today that are highly relevant to getting results in any agent career.  Those competencies are simply non-negotiable.  They are proven from the property market around the World and they are the ‘indicators’ of ‘top agent performance’. If a broker or an agent wants to achieve significant…

woman using computer screen

The Top 7 Performance Tips for Commercial Real Estate Brokers and Agents

The potential rewards for successful commercial real estate agents are high providing those agents are skilful individuals in every way possible.  Understanding how to handle the complexities of the property market and clients today will help.  Every property and client will have special factors to consider. Focus on creating the best levels of inquiry and…

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