How to Increase Market Share in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

In commercial real estate brokerage, you need a plan and a system to build market share.  The process of building your property business takes time, and a system will support you in progress and results.  The same rule applies in sales, leasing, or property management.  (NB – you can get plenty of market focused tips…

city scene buidings and river

How to Cultivate Your Market Share in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

If you want to win more business, listings, and clients in commercial real estate, then you should implement a ‘farming’ process where you can cultivate relationships with the right people and across the right property types.  Some of those relationships take months if not years to bring in the results, so establish the process of…

real estate agents standing together

Market Share Tools for Commercial Real Estate Brokers

Commercial real estate is competitive in any town or city. Market share and territory control are good goals to work to.  Other strategies to pull into the process would include listing exclusivity, vendor paid marketing, and online marketing; everything can be improved when you think about it.   Strive to be better than your competitors…

sales team standing together

Commercial Real Estate Agents – How to Build Market Share and Commissions

Every commercial real estate agent wants to be at the top of their market. Some, but not many, agents are already in that favourable position.  The process takes work and focus.  When you develop a system in your commercial real estate business, results start to happen.  You must develop systems to take you forward in a commercial…

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