people drawing opportunity graphs

The Advantages of Local Area Network Experience in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

In commercial real estate brokerage, your local area knowledge and experience are valuable in so many ways to the people that you seek to attract as clients.  As the local agent and the specialist in a property type, you can do more with that local knowledge from an opportunity perspective in your marketing.  You can…

Commercial Real Estate Brokers – The Perfect Cure to Fix Slow Listings and Poor Commissions

When you are struggling to find new listings in commercial real estate there is generally a simple issue holding back your efforts.  Far too many real estate agents blame ‘outside issues’ such as the property market or the competition for difficult listing conditions and low commissions.  In many cases those ‘outside issues’ become excuses for…

Commercial Property Agents – How You Can Boost Listing Results

In commercial real estate today, you can boost your listing chances if you focus your sales pitch and presentation in the right way.  Practice will help greatly, but the content of your sales pitch needs to include the right information and the best facts that will help impress the client. (NB – you can get…

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