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Canvassing Questions for Cold Calling in Commercial Real Estate

When you make cold calls in commercial property or brokerage today, have a set of questions ready to use when you know the person has a need or interest in property investment or occupancy. This list will help you with your questions. Strategy and Action will Take You Forward It is best that you put…

real estate team meeting

The Insider Secrets to What Most Clients Want to Know in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

The clients that we assist in commercial real estate brokerage are usually focused on just one thing, and that is achieving a positive result for their property challenge.  Your message as an agent or broker should then be for that solution to be achieved in a timely way.  Are you relevant to what you do and…

real estate agents talking together outside property

Capture Customers the Right Way in Commercial Property

In commercial real estate brokerage, customers and clients are not always right when it comes to listing, pricing, selling, leasing, or property negotiation. They will fail to understand, appreciate, or accept factors relating to a transaction. The only way you can effectively work through that problem is from a base of third-party information and locally…

Commercial Real Estate Brokers – Should You Bother Working Old and Expired Listings

Some commercial real estate listings come and go from the market without much by way of results.  All types of issues could be behind a property not selling or leasing.  Look for the reasons that could stifle future enquiry and momentum. Some of the common problems to watch for are: Poor marketing Over pricing Lack…

Classify and Sell the Commercial Property Benefits to Clients

When you look at any commercial property there will be factors of advantage and benefit for every client.  The clearer that you can make those facts to the client, the easier it is to attract singular interest and create more property inspections.  Drill down on the right facts to get the client discussions and concepts…

The 6 Essential Rules of Client Engagement in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

In commercial real estate brokerage it really pays dividends to you as an agent if you set your rules of client engagement.  By that I mean it is wise to set the profiles of the ‘ideal client’, and for you to understand how you will connect with that client over time.  In following this specific…

Commercial Real Estate Brokers – How to Engage More Prospects in Relevant Conversations

To be really effective as a commercial real estate agent or broker you should be engaging lots of prospects in conversations in a regular and ongoing way.  It’s a requirement for your diary every working day.  From that point of connection with new people you will understand what they are doing now with property and…

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