How to Use Telephone Prospecting to Generate More Leads and Sales

How to Use Telephone Prospecting to Generate More Leads and Sales

In commercial real estate today, there are plenty of opportunities to find and listings to create. It all comes down to everyone’s ability to develop systems and delve into the opportunities found. Conversations and marketing clarity will support the process for every agent as part of the prospecting activity. When an agent struggles to find…

How to Achieve Cold Calling Excellence in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

How to Achieve Cold Calling Excellence in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

Over time I have written about, and spent a good deal of focus on cold call systems and processes.  In commercial real estate brokerage, the telephone is such an important part of finding and generating new clients and listings.  The telephone is convenient and cheap to use; a process of making more calls is required….

A Critical Weekly System for Attracting New Business in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

A Critical Weekly System for Attracting New Business in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

In commercial real estate, every broker or agent should have a specific prospecting model that they work to each week as part of attracting good quality clients and listings.  The specific nature of the model will allow each agent and broker to refine activities and results when it comes to property choices and listing strategies. …

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