man in property management

Critical Systems in Commercial and Retail Property Management

Every day, commercial property managers are quite busy doing things for tenants and landlords.  Property activity is ongoing, and the property managers systems are critical to the control and result achieved. The message here to remember is that property management is not an easy or ‘coasting’ type of job. There are plenty of things that…

property management chart

Commercial Property Management Skills and Strategies

When you manage a high-quality property for a top client, there are some things to consider in how to provide ongoing service and control.  Ultimately you want to build a strong property performance for the client and the overall investment.  So, what is the plan? The strategic part of property management takes a priority in…

city buildings on skyline

How to Take Control of Your Commercial Property Management Career and Future

Commercial and retail property management are special parts of the property investment industry. They require special approach and therefore the right people with the knowledge and commitment to produce good results across the property types and the locations.   Rarely will you find a sales experienced person taking up a role in commercial or retail…

shopping mall walk way

Commercial Property Management Made to Order – The 12 Essential Rules

When you take over a commercial property management today, it should be specifically designed for the client and the property portfolio. One size doesn’t fit all when it comes to commercial real estate today. There are special things to look at when it comes to each and every property under management. Far too many commercial…

Commercial Real Estate Brokerage – Professional Asset Management is a Decisive Advantage in Business

Commercial Asset Management is a specialised process.  It is not just a matter of collecting the rent and keeping the property full, there are many other strategies to bring into play. A professional management service can add considerable stability and opportunity to an investment property; such service can also be a valuable ‘pipeline’ in brokerage…

Commercial Property Management – 4 Ways to Control Energy in Commercial Property Performance

If you work in commercial real estate property management and leasing, you will likely understand that the energy costs are increasingly a big part of property performance. Energy costs will impact property outgoings for the landlord and for the tenant.  Those costs have to be balanced and controlled so they do not drag down the…

Observations About Effective Building Automation Systems in Commercial Properties Today

Frequently you will hear of the term ‘building automation system’ in the function of a commercial office building or retail shopping centre.  If you are a commercial property manager you will very likely have come across the terminology; perhaps the building that you manage has a ‘building automation system’ or otherwise called ‘BAS’ installed. To…

real estate team meeting

Essential Questions to Ask a Commercial Property Manager in a Job Interview

Commercial property managers must understand how to lease properties locally.  They must have their ‘finger on the pulse’ of lease strategy, tenant enquiry, and tenant placement.  Ultimately the choices and recommendations that they make about a lease to the landlord property owner, will have great impact on the tenant mix and the rental income. So…

Commercial Property Managers – How to Set a Property Budget for Investment Clients

When its budget time in commercial property management, it is time to look at the client’s property in greater detail as well as the investment plans that the client may have.  The client is likely to have changed focus when it comes to the property and or the financing arrangements for the asset may have…

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