Commercial Real Estate Agent Prospecting – Contact Adjacent Property Owners for Leads

Commercial Real Estate Agent Prospecting – Contact Adjacent Property Owners for Leads

Every time you take a commercial or retail property to the market for sale or for lease, use the listing as a chance to talk to adjacent property owners, and other property owners in the street. As simple as this seems, many salespeople are basically a bit ‘lazy’ and will not do this without pushing. …

How Do You Get More Commercial Real Estate Property Management Listings?

Commercial property management listings are something that many agencies will look for.  The fact of the matter is that a property management client or appointment will provide significant opportunities in leasing and sales for the agency at some stage in the future.  In the meantime, a commercial property management appointment will provide reasonable fees to…

Headsup on Commercial Real Estate Agent Checklists and Why You Need Them

Headsup on Commercial Real Estate Agent Checklists and Why You Need Them

In commercial real estate agency, each and every property we work with will be different.  It is sometimes hard to get to the key issues and the facts about the property and the client.  A checklist will help your processes and also give the listing process a high degree of professionalism.  It will help you…

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