The Perfect Property Management System in Commercial Real Estate Agency

Commercial real estate is a bit different when it comes to property management.  In many respects you are dealing with multiple tenants as part of one big income cash flow. The process takes a lot of focus and effort. The property managers that you apply in your real estate agency to a client’s portfolio should…

Vacancy Management is Part of a Healthy Commercial Property
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Vacancy Management is Part of a Healthy Commercial Property

In commercial real estate leasing and property management, you should expect to have a few vacancies each year in the tenancy mix.  Allow for a certain number of vacant tenancies and adjust your property performance accordingly.  It is interesting to note that aging properties will have a rising vacancy factor; the only way you can…

Achieve Your Commission Goals in Commercial Real Estate Leasing

In commercial or retail real estate today, the leasing opportunities remain active and diverse.  Quality properties will be of greater attraction to most tenants due to quality of improvements and location.  Services and amenities will also have something to do with the needs and choices of tenants as they look to relocate.  As agents we…

Going the Extra Mile in Commercial Real Estate Leasing

The commercial real estate leasing market is quite lucrative providing you understand your local area and the requirements of tenants.  As part of that process, you do need to know a lot of tenants throughout the local business community. Ultimately as an agent you would like to achieve dominant market share and referral business.  Both…