Revitalising Retail: Strategic Leasing for Shopping Centre Success
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Revitalising Retail: Strategic Leasing for Shopping Centre Success

A retail shopping centre is a unique investment property type that demands respect and specialisation from a sales and leasing perspective. The key people involved in retail properties are centre managers, leasing managers, landlords, and investors. They should work together on a plan when focusing on a retail property and its future. To ensure its…

Mastering Tenant Mix: Strategies for Lower Vacancy Rates and Increased Revenue in Retail Shopping Centers
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Mastering Tenant Mix: Strategies for Lower Vacancy Rates and Increased Revenue in Retail Shopping Centers

Introduction to Leasing Shops Welcome to the latest Commercial Real Estate Online podcast episode, where we delve into the art and science of managing and optimising tenant mix in retail shopping centres. As a commercial real estate investor or agent, you understand how important a well-curated tenant mix is for driving foot traffic, lowering vacancy…

Fine-Tuning Retail Success: A Deep Dive into Shopping Centre Management

Fine-Tuning Retail Success: A Deep Dive into Shopping Centre Management

The success of a shopping centre is largely determined by its customer base, tenants, and the landlord’s ability to support, enhance, and grow customer interest in the property. Some landlords don’t do it well, if at all. Inexperienced retail landlords typically collect the rent and do little else to maintain and market the property. A…

Easy Game Plan for Commercial Leasing Agents

Easy Game Plan for Commercial Leasing Agents

Today, there are many opportunities to lease commercial, industrial, or retail property; however, the strategy for finding them is very personal and should be taken at the agent level. Conversations with tenants and landlords will lead to leasing opportunities. Do you want more transactional leasing business in your area? There is a straightforward solution. Every…

How to Create a Comprehensive Shopping Centre Performance Plan
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How to Create a Comprehensive Shopping Centre Performance Plan

If you are running a shopping centre, you know how important it is to keep track of your performance and identify areas for improvement. Those areas would include tenant mix, leasing, income optimisation, and maintenance planning. A shopping centre performance checklist is a tool that can help you do that. The checklist is part of…

How Leasing Agents Can Get More Listings of Commercial Property

How Leasing Agents Can Get More Listings of Commercial Property

When you are a leasing agent in commercial real estate, there are plenty of challenges to balance listings with tenant requirements.  Having plenty of listings always helps the enquiry process and will take you forward as a leasing agent faster.  So, how do you find those listings and plenty of them? It’s all about matching…

Solve Vacancies and Boost Your Commercial Real Estate Career

Solve Vacancies and Boost Your Commercial Real Estate Career

There are plenty of vacancies in investment properties currently and for the immediate future as tenants and landlords adjust to business pressures and consumer demand. In today’s podcast program, John Highman shares the strategies of working the leasing market comprehensively. Ultimately you can tap into plenty of property opportunities in this market segment. Landlords need…

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