man looking at watch whilst on telephone

Solve Vacancies and Boost Your Commercial Real Estate Career

There are plenty of vacancies in investment properties currently and for the immediate future as tenants and landlords adjust to business pressures and consumer demand.

In today’s podcast program, John Highman shares the strategies of working the leasing market comprehensively. Ultimately you can tap into plenty of property opportunities in this market segment.

Landlords need help and businesses have to relocate or adjust to circumstances of trade in their location. Are you ready to tap into those market segments? Use the ideas in this program to put some leverage in your commercial leasing business.

Find the tenants and serve the landlords. Your database of tenants is now a significant source of new business opportunities. Use the ideas in this program to work comprehensively into your real estate location with leasing services.

office desks and chairs

Leasing Leverage Opportunity

Commercial real estate leasing is a channel of opportunity for many brokers and agents in property today. Use the ideas in this podcast to tap into the channels of landlords and tenants needing your help.

Given the changes in the property market today, vacancies exist, and you can help with that.

Getting Started Locally

Understanding where to start the process is perhaps the most important factor to consider. Get to know all the properties in your location and by speciality.

Stay within the categories of buildings so that you can move tenants around to better quality lodgings, or better locations. Here is the podcast for today for our leasing friends.

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