vacant office with chairs and desks

Easy Game Plan for Commercial Leasing Agents

Today, there are many opportunities to lease commercial, industrial, or retail property; however, the strategy for finding them is very personal and should be taken at the agent level. Conversations with tenants and landlords will lead to leasing opportunities. Do you want more transactional leasing business in your area? There is a straightforward solution. Every…

empty office space for lease

The Ultimate Cold Calling Solution for Real Estate Leasing Agents Today

When you work as a leasing agent in commercial real estate, the business community in your location is the source of considerable new business. It is just a matter of connecting with the business owners. Today’s podcast shares the strategy for comprehensively making the leasing and connection process work. You will find some helpful suggestions…

retail shopping mall multi level

Essential Shop Leasing Strategies for Shopping Centre Managers

Shopping centre operational strategies are a fact of property investment performance today. Local people and customers need to shop, and attracting them is important. Most towns and cities have plenty of shopping centres to choose from, and that can create confusion. It is wise for you to have a shop leasing strategy or plan that…

real estate agent standing in open office

The Perfect Questions to Ask Tenants in Leasing

With all the changes in the property market today, there are plenty of vacancies to work on. In addition, businesses are moving around, and that creates an increase in premises change and churn. There is an opportunity here for you as a leasing agent. Ask excellent questions in leasing premises today. Delve into the segment…

woman standing outside office building

Balancing the Landlord and Tenant Relationships

In commercial and retail property, there are ongoing pressures of lease occupancy and rental collections. Landlords and tenants can sometimes be in conflict with each other for unique reasons. It is also notable that some landlords can create poor tenant relations within a property due to inadequate communications, conflicting negotiations, overlooked maintenance, and tougher lease…

shopping mall

A Plan to Solve Shop Vacancies in Shopping Centres

A shopping centre is a large and changing shopping environment. It can be a leasing challenge. Shops need leasing, and the viability of tenants and their businesses will impact rental recoveries for the landlord. So, what is your plan? This video will help you review the tenancy mix and the upcoming shop vacancies so you…

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A Plan of Action for Finding Shopping Centre Tenants

Vacant shops can drag shopping center performance and retail sales down for shopping center managers and marketing managers. Strategies are needed to boost customer interest and repeat visits to the shopping center, and you can work with those factors. In the commercial real estate podcast today, we share ideas about finding tenants and placing them…

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