Secrets of the Best Property Management Teams in Commercial

Secrets of the Best Property Management Teams in Commercial

Most commercial real estate agencies and brokerages get plenty of new business over time from their commercial property management teams or divisions.   That is the way things can work positively in business sharing and client leads across the respective teams.  A successful property management team is, therefore, a valuable part of a growing commercial real…

How to Develop Your Own Presentation Style in Commercial Property Management

How to Develop Your Own Presentation Style in Commercial Property Management

In commercial property management, you should develop your professional presentation package to help you win new business with clients and prospect.  That package is to be relevant to your specialised services, and your capabilities.  It should be remembered that property management and the processes behind it are very different from that of sales and leasing;…

Tenant Targets in Retail Shopping Center Leasing

Tenant Targets in Retail Shopping Center Leasing

The retail part of the investment property market is quite special given the types of landlord clients and the tenants you must work with and help.  I have said many times before, that ‘retail’ is unique as a property type, given the occupancy factors that influence leasing decisions in shopping centres and stand alone ‘shops’….

Commercial Property Management Handover Checklist Format

Commercial Property Management Handover Checklist Format

When you are to take over a new building to manage, be it office, retail, or industrial, there are many things to look at and control IMMEDIATELY.  It is easy for errors to occur and omissions to be made as the property facts are gathered. People will not tell you everything and or overlook key…


Innovation Health Factors in Commercial Property Management

Creative control is an essential part of commercial and retail property management.  Basically, elements of innovation are part of that day to day property management process as you strive to attract and serve high level clients with your tenant and asset performance services. Think about what you are doing now with your clients and consider…

The Secrets to Creating New Commercial Property Managements

The Secrets to Creating New Commercial Property Managements

There are some special people in your town or city that you can tap into when it comes to looking for and finding new Clients and Commercial Property Management appointments.  A professional property management service is something that is both very marketable and highly desirable in a brokerage business. Why do this?  A property under…