Cheat Sheet for Finding More Commercial and Retail Tenants – Brokerage Leasing Chart

Cheat Sheet for Finding More Commercial and Retail Tenants – Brokerage Leasing Chart

Here is a confession.  I love leasing in quality buildings. A good leasing transaction can lead to more leasing, a sales opportunity, or a property management.  Landlords love professional leasing help with their investments.  That’s a fact. The value that you and I can provide to landlords through a quality leasing process is real. Learn…

Exploit Your Local Commercial Property Market Facts for Better Listings

Exploit Your Local Commercial Property Market Facts for Better Listings

When you consider a commercial property market in any town or city, you can find many factors of pressure and property ‘pain’ that will potentially be leverage and listing sources for you to work with over time.  Work those ‘pressure points’ for the opportunities that they provide in both sales and leasing appointments for you…

How to Enrich Your Commercial Property Management Fees

How to Enrich Your Commercial Property Management Fees

The strategy behind growing commercial property management fees will always be separate from the commissions and fees you can get from sales and leasing activity. Any real estate brokerage business plan and team structure should consider the different fee types and the unique strategies required to grow those income channels separately. In defining the difference…

Commercial Property Management – How to Control Environmental Factors in your Property Portfolio

Commercial Property Management – How to Control Environmental Factors in your Property Portfolio

Your property management portfolio and the individual properties under management will be impacted by environmental issues through the year.  Some of those properties will be impacted more than others; that can lead to loss of rent, failure of tenant businesses, and a landlord suffering some investment pressure.  That is where professional property management controls come…

Useful Asset Planning Tips for Commercial and Retail Property Managements

Useful Asset Planning Tips for Commercial and Retail Property Managements

A complex office or retail investment property needs an Asset Plan.  Things should be considered and decided as part of the planning process.  Over time that then allows the right indicators to be tracked, negotiated, and changed as required. (NB – you can get Commercial Property Asset Planning tips in our Snapshot program right here)…

Why the Best Buildings are a Key Part of Your Commercial Real Estate Business

Why the Best Buildings are a Key Part of Your Commercial Real Estate Business

In commercial real estate brokerage, put some focus into choosing the better buildings and owners in the location to work on and for.  Selectivity in this way will help you get some traction in your real estate business.  (NB – Learn how to network and prospect in commercial real estate in our free ‘Snapshot’ course)…

Power Marketing Tips in Commercial Real Estate Leasing

Power Marketing Tips in Commercial Real Estate Leasing

In commercial real estate leasing, you need to know plenty of people, and as part of that, all the landlords and the tenants in your territory. Secure a database software solution to track the interactions and the connections that you are making in a regular and ongoing way.  Your list will be invaluable as the…

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