Taking Shopping Centre Management to the Highest Standards

When you have a shopping centre to manage, there are many things to look at and optimize. So, where do you start? This podcast today is focused on retail shopping centre management and leasing. There are things here that will help you improve your shopping centre and find the weaknesses that need resolve.

Let’s get into the first level of retail shopping centre awareness. Interview the tenants within the property at the start of your leasing or property management engagement, and keep the process going on a regular basis. 

The tenants and particularly the successful ones will understand what customers are looking for and how customers are feeling when it comes to spending money.  Talk to the tenants as they will share plenty of retail and customer information. The podcast below will help you set up a ‘checklist’ approach to shopping centre operations and activity.

What’s changing? Certainly, customer sentiment will change throughout the year given the trends of the local economy; catch up with your tenants on a regular basis so you can understand what they are seeing and experiencing when it comes to customer and sales activity.

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