Commercial Property Agents – Things to Do with Unrealistic Vendors

Commercial Property Agents – Things to Do with Unrealistic Vendors

So the property market is changing. Whilst that can seem frustrating, it is an opportunity for those agents that get organized and focus on new skills and habits. It is no secret that the current commercial property market in many areas is quite slow and frustrating.  Most properties that require leasing or selling will have…

Commercial Real Estate Agents – How to Attract Referral Business Today

Commercial Real Estate Agents – How to Attract Referral Business Today

In commercial real estate agency, you hear so many people talk about the importance of referral business.  Top agents get most of the referrals and the repeat business available.  Why is that?  They were just too good at handling the property transaction, and the people that they helped were so impressed with the property transaction…

Commercial Real Estate Agents – Why Do You Hate Cold Calls?

Commercial Real Estate Agents – Why Do You Hate Cold Calls?

It is an interesting question to ask.  Why do you hate making cold calls in commercial real estate?  It is a common problem and yet the cold calling process has such significant benefits for commercial real estate agencies and salespeople.  Some of the bigger benefits are attracting more clients, creating better leads, finding quality listings,…

Some Tips for Doing a Comparable Market Analysis in Commercial Real Estate Today

Some Tips for Doing a Comparable Market Analysis in Commercial Real Estate Today

When it comes to listing a commercial or retail property at the right price or rent, the comparable market analysis process will be critical to getting a good listing that is marketable.  Clients can tend to think that their property is worth more than any other in the area. The property market is always under…