Reflections on Creating Success as a Commercial Real Estate Leasing Agent
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Reflections on Creating Success as a Commercial Real Estate Leasing Agent

The commercial office leasing market will always produce leads and opportunities for any real estate agent or broker. It is a good segment of the market to work within as you start to build knowledge and skills in the industry. Here are some of the things that you can learn and focus on when you…

Commercial Real Estate Brokers – Strategies to Use in Relocating Tenants in Any Investment Property
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Commercial Real Estate Brokers – Strategies to Use in Relocating Tenants in Any Investment Property

In commercial property leasing and management, tenant relocation can revitalize the tenant mix and boost the potential growth of market rental. Therefore, the ‘relocation’ process is a real strategy in property performance; specialist agents and brokers should know how to optimize the tenant mix. To provide that tenant optimization professionally they can provide a ‘tenant placement…

A Simple Formula and Checklist to Control Tenant Fit-out Works in Commercial Office Buildings

A Simple Formula and Checklist to Control Tenant Fit-out Works in Commercial Office Buildings

If you have a bit to do with investment property leasing, particularly that with office or retail property, you will know the problems that can evolve with a new tenant entering a property after negotiating a lease and then undertaking fit-out works.  Noise, dust, disruption, and inconvenience are all factors that come to mind.  If…

Trying Very Hard to Find Good Quality Retail Tenants

Trying Very Hard to Find Good Quality Retail Tenants

When you manage or rent out retail shopping centers, you will always need to find quality tenants to keep the property on track for making money and being a good investment.  Each year things change in retail properties, and some leases will be coming to an end or a few tenants may not suit the…

Shopping Center Leasing – Turn a Lease Vacancy into an Opportunity

Shopping Center Leasing – Turn a Lease Vacancy into an Opportunity

When you lose a tenant in an investment property it is an opportunity for change and not necessarily a negative factor.  Sure, the landlord loses some rent for a little while, but in that time you as the leasing agent can look at the bigger investment perspective and make some wise choices of finding a…

How to Solve Difficult Industrial Property Lease Negotiations

How to Solve Difficult Industrial Property Lease Negotiations

Have you ever come across an industrial lease where things seem to be ‘going nowhere fast’?  The parties to the deal can be unrealistic and opportunistic.  Both landlords and tenants like to ‘have a win’ but the realism of the property market will not go away (nor should it).  That’s where you step in with…

Why You Should Get the Hard Things Done First Every Day

Why You Should Get the Hard Things Done First Every Day

There are some things that commercial real estate agents hate to do.  As a direct result many agents struggle with creating personal market share and achieving new listings.  Take a look at the things that are a challenge to you or perhaps those that you just avoid. Having worked with many agents for some years,…

Real Estate Brokers – Solving Difficult Industrial Property Leasing Situations

Real Estate Brokers – Solving Difficult Industrial Property Leasing Situations

From time to time, you will have difficult listings to lease.  When you have that problem, invite others from your team to look at the property and the leasing challenge.  Extra people can help you see through the issues for a better leasing resolve.  Extra ideas can always help, and that’s what they did in…

Getting Ahead in Tenant Advocacy Leasing Services

Getting Ahead in Tenant Advocacy Leasing Services

Some of us have worked in ‘tenant advocacy, particularly leasing.  It is the reverse of the normal client process, where you are potentially working for the tenant to find the right premises and location. It is a very lucrative part of the property leasing market if you work in a larger town or city.  You…