woman looking at diary on computer screen

Time as an Asset: Enhancing Focus for Better Real Estate Outcomes

Time is often considered the most valuable asset. In real estate, this rings particularly true for agents navigating a fast-paced world of clients and listings. Mastering your time can lead to significant sales success, allowing you to focus on what truly matters: building relationships and closing deals. Imagine transforming each hour into a powerful tool…

man writing on desk

Time Management Techniques in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

There are many ways to do things in commercial real estate brokerage and your systematic approach awaits your creation and decision. In saying that, take the time to understand how you can optimise your working day, and your focus on quality properties and quality listings. What’re the typical problems we struggle with? We too easily…

commercial real estate training podcast by John Highman

How to Simplify Your Real Estate Day and Build Your Business Faster

Here the ideas that can drive your real estate business forward faster.  Grab a coffee and have a listen to this important brokerage podcast. It doesn’t matter if you work in sales, leasing or property management today; set rules should apply to your time and task allocations each working day.  There are things that we…

city buildings on river

Four Great Time Management Tips for Commercial Real Estate Brokers for Growing Business and Attracting Commissions

In commercial real estate brokerage, one thing matters more than anything else, and it is your time and how you use it.  If you don’t manage and protect your time, others will take it over.  That can then mean diversions, distractions, and sending you down the proverbial ‘rabbit hole’ where you can spend too much…

sales team meeting at desk

What Everyone Needs to Know About Priorities in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

Getting distracted and diverted from important tasks in commercial real estate brokerage is so easy.  People want your time, your comments, and your focus.   The more listings you get and the clients you serve, the more pressure will escalate.  Time is your most valuable resource and it cannot be wasted.  Every working day is a…

man looking at watch whilst on telephone

The Greatest Challenges of Time Management in Commercial Property and the Solution

It is very easy to lose time or waste time in commercial real estate brokerage.  The pressures of the day, property inspections, the listings, and the clients can easily overtake all your good intentions and planned activities.  Somewhere in that ‘pressure’, it is critical that you control some of your time and appointments.  You are…

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