How to Increase Market Share in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

In commercial real estate brokerage, you need a plan and a system to build market share.  The process of building your property business takes time, and a system will support you in progress and results.  The same rule applies in sales, leasing, or property management.  (NB – you can get plenty of market focused tips…

real estate people meeting in a property presentation

How to Effectively Manage Your Commercial Real Estate Client Communications

In commercial real estate brokerage, you should have a significant database of qualified prospects and clients that you are working with comprehensively throughout the year. Regular contact into the database at a personal level will help you build the right relationships with the right people.  Work your database list selectively with a bias towards quality…

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How to Build a Commercial Real Estate Database the Easy Way

When a person starts in commercial real estate brokerage today they usually struggle for some time when it comes to prospecting and client contact.  They simply do not have enough people within their database to achieve any level of churn when it comes to listings and commissions. The Client List Rule The most important foundational…

Commercial Real Estate Brokerage – A Detailed Model for Repeat Client Contact

When it comes to growing and strengthening your commercial real estate database, you should consider a contact model that helps the client and their property focus.  Property marketing should always be about the client and their property needs; not about you and your commission requirements.  The mindset difference is extraordinarily important when it comes to…

A VIP Client Register System is a Step Forward in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

In any commercial real estate brokerage you are likely to have a few agents connecting with any single client on a number of different issues.  That is where things get a bit complex and confusing; particularly if a number of property or project issues are underway.  The only way to handle that process is by…

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How to Generate More Commercial Real Estate Leads by Contacting Accountants and Attorneys

Working with accountants and solicitors can provide many high-quality leads in commercial real estate brokerage. That is simply because those people in both professions have clients with property issues and opportunities. Important Observations A top real estate agent will generally work a selection of these high quality contacts specifically to attract new business.  In saying…

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