Building Bridges Through Cold Calling: A Must-Have Skill for Agents

Building Bridges Through Cold Calling: A Must-Have Skill for Agents

Where are the clients and listings you seek in commercial real estate today? They are out there, waiting to be found. The best way to engage with them is to use the telephone systematically. Cold calling builds bridges of trust and confidence with ‘property-interested people’. Many people in the property market need ideas or solutions…

Commercial Real Estate Brokers – 4 Better Ways to Make Your Social Media Strategies Work More Effectively

Commercial Real Estate Brokers – 4 Better Ways to Make Your Social Media Strategies Work More Effectively

We all know about social media today and its impact in the online world.  Some of us use social media in a personal way with friends and acquaintances.  That strategy can be comprehensively improved and shaped into commercial real estate brokerage.  Your personal profile is not your business profile.  The social media strategies that you…

Commercial Real Estate Brokers – The Perfect Cure to Fix Slow Listings and Poor Commissions

When you are struggling to find new listings in commercial real estate there is generally a simple issue holding back your efforts.  Far too many real estate agents blame ‘outside issues’ such as the property market or the competition for difficult listing conditions and low commissions.  In many cases those ‘outside issues’ become excuses for…

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