
Things to Do in a Real Estate Strategy Planning Meeting

Every year as part of a real estate business planning process, commercial real estate brokers should look at market trends and opportunities to help their brokerage grow and match market expectations or opportunities.  Once a plan of this type is created it should be revisited quarterly to make adjustments based on market trends. The property…

Quality Clients Mean Better Commissions in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

Quality Clients Mean Better Commissions in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

The quality of your client base in commercial real estate brokerage will have a direct reflection on your commissions.  So the real issue is how do you attract and serve the top clients of the market?  How do you get those clients to change agent or broker? The answer to these questions is found in…

You Can Double Your Commercial Real Estate Sales by Better Prospecting

You Can Double Your Commercial Real Estate Sales by Better Prospecting

It is a fact that the quality of your prospecting in commercial real estate brokerage will radically impact your sales and commissions.  When a real estate agent or broker says to me that listing and sales are slow, I ask the question ‘How is your prospecting at the moment?’  That’s when I usually get a…

How to Appeal More to Prospects in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

In commercial real estate brokerage the agent with the greatest appeal wins the quality listings most of the time.  It’s a simple equation that is hard for some agents to fathom; those that do become the top agents in the market. What makes an agent appealing?  Try some of these: Comprehensive market coverage to attract…


Commercial Real Estate Brokers – Listing Presentation Blueprint

A listing presentation in commercial real estate is the make or break point for winning new business.  Many times you will be up against other agents in one form or another.  They will all be producing ideas and strategies in one form or another to list and market the property. Think about these questions: How…

Property Inspection Tips for Commercial Real Estate Brokers

Property Inspection Tips for Commercial Real Estate Brokers

Property inspections will happen frequently in your role as a commercial real estate broker.  Inspections will occur for a number of reasons and you will be involved with different people in doing so.  Given that every property type will be unique, it pays to have a strategy for the process, and an inspection checklist to…

Top Sales Prospecting Methods in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

The prospecting process in commercial real estate today is quite specific to both your market and your skills.  You should have a prospecting system to build your growth of market share around.  In that way you will create listing opportunity. So many agents and brokers struggle with the creation of new listings and market opportunities. …

Commercial Real Estate Agents – Create a Listing Kit that Converts More Listing Business

Commercial Real Estate Agents – Create a Listing Kit that Converts More Listing Business

In real estate sales and leasing you should carry with you a listing kit that can be used at short notice with any property presentation or meeting.  You never know when some opportunity for a listing will arise. Your Real Estate Listing Kit should contain a mixture of the following: Given that there are a…