Special Marketing Campaigns for Commercial Investment Properties
In marketing any investment property for sale, the campaign of promotion can and should be quite special. There are elements of the marketing strategy that should be specifically aimed at the target audience of investors for the location and or property type. Understand what your property buyers are looking for and design your advertising accordingly. Lift the readership of the advertising on all the portals and in all the newspapers.
In essence, you cannot and should not promote any investment property generically as it wastes a lot of your time and the client’s money; promote with a view to getting good inbound enquiries and track the enquiry so that you know that is happening. Every exclusive listing that you have should be promoted in this way.
Specific Promotional Issues
There are specific things that you can do to attract the right investors as investment buyers from the location. Here are some ideas:
- Factors of attraction – Walk around the property when you first list it to check out the features and factors of attraction that help the property stand out as special and valuable to those targeted buyers that are looking to purchase today. List those factors so they can be woven into the advertising copy.
- Profile the targeted audience – Before you start any advertising, do a profile of your target audience so that you can clearly say where they should come from and what they are likely to be looking for in property and investments today. If you track all of your advertised listings now, that should not be a problem. From the profile that you create you can list or expand on the keywords that relate to the buyer profile and attract their readership; think about the things such as rental, tenant mix, price range, location, improvements, and property development. Be quite clear when it comes to what the property has now and how it can improve over time.
- Images of the property – Any promoted property will be enhanced with the use of professional images and perhaps even video. The eye of the reader will always be drawn to a high quality image. Don’t use ‘happy snaps’ to sell the features of the property, but get a professional photographer to take the best property photos from the right angles and at the right time of day.
When you take more care and spend time in structuring the promotion of your quality listings, the conversions of calls and enquiry lift markedly. Are you up to the promotional challenge?