Commercial Real Estate Brokerage – How Incremental Growth Builds Better Market Share for Agents

Commercial Real Estate Brokerage – How Incremental Growth Builds Better Market Share for Agents

Building market share in commercial real estate sales is not a ‘switch on’ and ‘switch off’ process for brokers and agents.  It is a gradual incremental process that takes time and effort as well as a good degree of personal focus. Show me an agent that is struggling in the market place, and usually I…

Commercial Real Estate Brokerage – Experience is Valuable in Selling Professional Services

In commercial real estate brokerage, your experience as a specialist broker locally is valuable in many different ways.  You should charge a reasonable commission for your services and avoid ‘discounting’ at all costs. Any client that is focused on getting a commission discount or reducing marketing costs as part of listing and any property promotion…

How to Review Service Agreements in Commercial Property Maintenance Management

In commercial property management and as part of any property handover it is essential that you check out the supply agreements that apply to the maintenance undertaken in the property.  There will be issues to understand including services offered, costs, and frequency. Talk to the building contractors as part of the property handover, and check…

Commercial Real Estate Brokerage – Ask Someone Who Can Give You The Business

Sometimes we complicate the real estate business unnecessarily, and particularly within the segments relating to commercial real estate sales and leasing.  The best agents in the property market today are uncomplicated and yet highly persistent and consistent in their business practices.  They know what to do each and every day when it comes to time…

Logical Street Canvassing and Prospecting Systems in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

Logical Street Canvassing and Prospecting Systems in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

In commercial real estate brokerage it is common to hear both new and experienced agents ask the question about how they can create more new listings.  The property market changes during the year, so constant focus on new business is required. Some agents struggle with the required momentum. Have you ever seen an agent that…

Commercial Real Estate Agents – Break Down the Property Cycles to Find Opportunity in Listings and Clients

Commercial Real Estate Agents – Break Down the Property Cycles to Find Opportunity in Listings and Clients

Commercial real estate brokerage is not complex.  It is a method of business that can be tracked and that tracking process can give you leverage to find new clients and listings.  New listings and clients can be found when you delve into the property cycles locally. So how do you ‘delve’ into the property cycles…

How to Create a Custom Designed Marketing Campaign in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

When you pitch and present for a listing appointment, the marketing campaign that you recommend has to be custom designed in every respect for both the property and the client.  Don’t fall back into some ‘standard marketing model’ to save time.  Clients know when they are getting the ‘generic approach’ and will overlook agents that…

Ways to Do a Cost Benefit Analysis in a Commercial Property Project

In any new project of expansion, change, or renovation in a commercial investment property, the cost estimates should be carefully considered and compared to the prevailing market conditions. Take a conservative viewpoint when it comes to estimating the costs and the expected results of any project involving property upgrade. Far too many landlords and property…