Commercial Real Estate Brokers – Look for the Local Property Changes to Find Better Listings

Commercial Real Estate Brokers – Look for the Local Property Changes to Find Better Listings

The best way to find new commercial real estate listing opportunities is to look for properties and businesses going through change.   Small changes observed will lead to fresh strategies and opportunities for real estate agents and brokers. Any town or city is likely to have factors changing that are lead generators in the property…

Resolving the Challenges of Commercial Real Estate Brokerage Today

In commercial real estate brokerage today there are plenty of opportunities for agents to be had across sales, leasing, and property management.  The best way to tap into those opportunities will be through a planned personal approach and specific ongoing action. Get Planning It is incumbent on every agent and broker to develop and establish…

Client Familiarity is Amazingly Effective in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

In commercial real estate brokerage today you really do need to understand the client in a comprehensive and familiar way.  Over time the clients that you that you really understand and can comprehensively relate to are very likely to be those clients that give you new business opportunities, listings, and commissions. Make it your business…

Commercial Real Estate Agents – How Significant is Your Brokerage and Services

In commercial real estate brokerage it is essential that you understand why the client would use you and or your brokerage to resolve their property challenge.  There has to be an answer and that answer has to be client relevant and specific. There are far too many generic and ordinary agents out there.  The best…

Commercial Real Estate Brokers – How to Research Tons of Valuable Market Information

In commercial real estate brokerage you need lots of information before you can find opportunity.  Research is therefore a real and important part of the industry.  Knowing how to find that information will help greatly in how you proceed and succeed in the industry. So let’s say you want to find clients and listings.  There…

How to Convert FSBO Listings in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

In commercial real estate brokerage there is some value in chasing listings that are ‘for sale by owners’ (FSBO) but only if the listing and or the client offers promise of a positive result, and the asking price or rent is right.  Make no mistake that many agents continually chase these listings, given the odd…