sales plan on desk

Winning the Deal: A Step-by-Step Guide to Crafting Your Commercial Real Estate Sales Plan

A sales plan is the best way to progress with commercial real estate listings and clients. You can ‘sell’ yourself and your services as part of that plan. That means more listings in the future. Some agents overcomplicate things by marketing across a large portion of their territory or city, and then they wonder why…

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A Step by Step Checklist for Sales Agents in Commercial Real Estate

A successful marketing and sales approach for commercial or retail properties requires a solid strategy to generate optimal interest and inquiries in today’s economy and market. Given the current shortage of property inquiries and buyers, it is crucial to maximise the potential of listing first and, secondly, the incoming inquiries resulting from your marketing efforts….

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Practical Sales Planning Strategies in Commercial Brokerage

Every agent in commercial real estate should have a sales plan to stick to each day when looking for listings, clients, and transaction opportunities.  It is the only way to get somewhere fast in the industry.  The random approach doesn’t work (nor should it).  The plan is action-driven, and most importantly, it helps the agent…

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