Secrets to Cold Calling Success – Commercial Real Estate Agents

Secrets to Cold Calling Success – Commercial Real Estate Agents

Cold calling is one of those challenging things that many brokers and agents struggle with in commercial real estate.  You could say that there are some real skills to the process that require practice and improvement. The more calls you make the better things get.  Over time you can then find more people to talk…

Cold Call Perfection in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

In commercial real estate brokerage the cold calling requirement is high particularly if you want more business in property sales or leasing.  It is increasingly the case that the traditional prospecting letter and direct mail is of lessening impact as technology and communication becomes more direct and electronic.  Be prepared to make lots of calls…

Heavyweight Cold Calling Brings Prospecting Opportunity

Heavyweight Cold Calling Brings Prospecting Opportunity

In commercial real estate today you can get some heavyweight cold calling and prospecting opportunity from focusing on the quality properties in the market and the clients that require repeat business and service over time.  That being said, a degree of research is required to achieve a connection within that segment of the market. If…

Get on the Cutting Edge with Sales Calls in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

In commercial real estate it is common to make sales calls.  Some of those calls will be to people that you have spoken to before and others will be to new people.  It can be said that ‘new people’ are always required to help you build your pipeline of opportunity in the brokerage.  When you…

Detailed Cold Calling Systems Required in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

Detailed Cold Calling Systems Required in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

In commercial real estate brokerage, the cold calling process is essential to help you build market share.  In every location, town or city, there will be plenty of people to talk to over the telephone.  This prospecting process is not a replacement for personal contact and face-to-face meetings, it is however a good way of…

Leverage Your Lists in Commercial Real Estate Agency Prospecting

In commercial real estate agency, you can get significant leverage from your lists of information.  A good commercial real estate agent will have researched significant lists that will help feed them the right contact or property detail within the correct property market segments. So the lists that you create will offer significant opportunity.  It is…