How Asking Better Real Estate Questions Creates Listings

How Asking Better Real Estate Questions Creates Listings

Think about how you might communicate with clients and prospects more effectively when you want to win new business in commercial real estate. Are you connecting at a higher level? Do you stand out as the ‘agent of choice’? You can demonstrate your real estate comprehension, confidence, relevancy, and knowledge to the other person by…

Developing Astounding Results from Your Listing Presentation

Developing Astounding Results from Your Listing Presentation

If you’re a commercial, industrial, or retail real estate agent or broker, you’ll have a natural approach to the listing presentation process. Do you want to improve that presentation style? Here are some ideas. Having confidence in your listing style and professional skills demonstrates to the client that you are committed to finding a solution…

7 Ways to Win Listing Presentations

7 Ways to Win Listing Presentations

Many agents don’t spend enough time planning their listing presentations. Today’s property market is so competitive, so we must adjust to that and work with it. Every real estate listing presentation should be unique with specific information and providing solid recommendations. To win more real estate business, your ideas in the listing presentation must be…

Effective Commercial Real Estate Listing Presentation Inventory

Effective Commercial Real Estate Listing Presentation Inventory

There are always listing opportunities around for you to find in commercial real estate. Getting out of the office each day and talking to people is the first part of the process. As you walk around your property market each day and speak with a variety of people, opportunities arise to pitch and offer your…

How to Give a High-Quality Listing Presentation in Commerical Real Estate

How to Give a High-Quality Listing Presentation in Commerical Real Estate

In commercial real estate today, there are many ways to do a listing presentation, and through all of those things, the formula has to be just right. What is your ‘formula’ for a listing pitch or property presentation? Can it be improved? The answer is always ‘yes’. It just takes time and practice to make…

The Three Secrets to Listing Commercial Property Today

The Three Secrets to Listing Commercial Property Today

Today there are plenty of opportunities in the commercial real estate market. It is a cycle of change from the last 12 months of stagnation. This year there will be plenty of people returning to the market as either investors or owner-occupiers. To that end, the change in the churn of property listings is something…

The Persuasive Commercial Property Presentation You Need

The Persuasive Commercial Property Presentation You Need

This commercial real estate podcast is all about persuasive property presentation strategies and solutions. You can learn how to engage with your client at deeper levels and convert quality listings more frequently. So, what can you do with this? You can understand the importance of being relevant and direct with your clients as part of…

Ways You Can Stay Well Ahead of the Game in Commercial Real Estate Presentations

When you are pitching for a commercial real estate listing, your preparation and approach to the issue will make or break the result.  Take the time to prepare to win the listing.  Stay ahead of your competition agents chasing the same listing by setting clear property targets and marketing messages in the presentation. Establish the…

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