real estate people at computer screen

Selling Processes to Implement in Commercial Real Estate

In commercial real estate brokerage, there are sales processes to define the team and then concentrate on.   That focus will help the real estate business set its momentum for moving ahead.  Results, systems, and controls are big elements of listing marketing and commission conversions. So, you are a real estate agent, and where can you…

Why High Quality Listings are Always Better in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

You can focus on getting listings, or you can focus on getting quality listings in your location.  There is a big difference in levels of enquiry when it comes to those better listings in your location.  This observation is particularly important when you start your career.  Think about these questions:   Do you chase any…

sales team meet and greet agents

How to Talk Sense with Commercial Property Sellers

In commercial real estate brokerage, a good degree of client conditioning happens with sellers as they look to achieve a sale result or a positive negotiation outcome.  Talking logical common sense with them is important, and that approach should be supported by local property market evidence. Most property owners have an inflated view of property…

How to Win More Listings – Make Things Easier for Your Real Estate Client

When property owners and business owners move on a property matter, they are frequently dealing with a few pressures and decisions at a personal level.  They need help.  We are the right people to provide that ‘pressure relief’. At the top of the ‘pressure’ list will always be price and promotion, so our job as…

real estate agent team

10 Ways to be Relevant and Real in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

Exactly why would people see you as relevant and different as an agent in commercial real estate brokerage in your town or city?  It is an important question to consider and answer.  If you are looking for more clients and listings, the answer must be there, and you should believe it.  You are part of…

tall buildings on beach

Commercial Brokerage – How to Convert Plenty of Vendor Paid Marketing Monies

In commercial brokerage, the monies that you raise from the client as part of the listing process are very important to the result that both you and the client seek.  Sure, you can list a property without marketing funds, but the momentum with inspections and inquiries will be lower.  A poorly promoted property will stay…

Commercial Real Estate Brokerage – How to Revitalize a Stale Listing

Some commercial property listings take a very long time to sell or lease.  When that happens, there are a few strategies to bring into play.  The first step is to take the property off the market so you can re-position it; build an alternative strategy of promotion and or condition the client.  A ‘stale’ listing…

Keep Pressing Ahead in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

There will always be distractions, diversions, and pressures in commercial real estate brokerage, and through all those things you should keep pressing ahead with refined action plans and watching your key performance indicators.  (NB – you can get plenty of commercial real estate career tips right here) The industry has plenty of opportunity for those…

How to Convert Prospects to Clients in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

In commercial real estate brokerage, there will always be an abundance of prospects for you to work with and for.  You simply need to find them and ‘connect’ in a professional way.  By using the word ‘prospects’ I specifically mean the people that can be clients in the immediate or longer term.  (NB – you…

city buildings in sunrise

How to Handle Client Resistance and Push-back in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

In commercial real estate brokerage, you will almost always get a degree of client resistance when it comes to closing on a typical transaction in sales or leasing.  Most clients need to think about the facts of the deal, and consider the impact of full offering or the transaction.  Align your thinking to the clients…

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