sales team standing together

The Road to Victory: Key Insights for Real Estate Agents to Dominate Sales

In commercial real estate sales, everything comes down to creating listings and increasing inquiries. That’s a personal process. At the agency level, there are some marketing options to consider.

Each agent can develop a year-round listing strategy. Here are a few tips to help with that approach:

business meeting handshake

People First:

The Value of Networking for Commercial Real Estate Success

There are a few strategies to consider here, and they all involve people. First, connect with new people, then reconnect with those you know. A good database or software tool can help you organise this process.

Gather information from every meeting and conversation. In future discussions, you can move the situation forward and strengthen relationships.

Creating a Personal Brand:

How to Stand Out in Commercial Real Estate

This could be a branding advantage, depending on your perspective. Being a ‘generic’ agent who handles all real estate transactions and criteria makes no sense.

So, how do you distinguish yourself as the best agent for a property type and location? That is when your real estate marketing skills are handy, giving you a competitive advantage.

Today, direct marketing is the most effective way to promote commercial real estate sales or leasing. That’s conversational. Telephone calls and meetings should be the main focus of your personal marketing strategy.

business men negotiating at table

The Art of Negotiation:

Essential Skills for Commercial Real Estate Agents

Most sales and leasing transactions have pressure points when considering the current real estate market. As agents, we must work with the variables to achieve a positive outcome.

The variables are the issues that buyers and sellers must resolve or negotiate. We must deal with financing, settlement agreements, and other terms and conditions.

Every real estate transaction presents an opportunity to learn and improve upon successful real estate techniques and solutions; given that every property market changes, you can learn from its current and future demands.

In your weekly team meetings, discuss common negotiating issues and how individual agents handled the results or compromises.

man using a computer for social media

Agent Social:

Leveraging Social Media for Your Real Estate Business

Social media has practical applications in commercial real estate today because it can communicate with your database and contacts. However, social media is a C-Class contact tactic that can be used in various situations.

If you want to prospect for listings and build new client relationships, you should always speak with people (not rely on just social media). So, the idea here is to create a social media channel that can be used in various ways throughout the year.

You can share multiple media on your social media channel, including articles, podcasts, and videos. The search engines will notice the activity and begin tracking your channel for all real estate reference purposes.

real estate team looking at plans

Working the Agent Niches

The Advantages of Specializing in a Niche Market

What are your preferred property types in your area? What kinds of property transactions do you like to manage and develop?

The concept of specialisation is an excellent technique to learn in commercial real estate and use throughout your career.

When you specialise, you can track results and benchmarks in sales and leasing activities, which is useful when pitching for a listing or negotiating a property deal.

real estate agent meeting clients in office


So, as an agent in your area, you can use these five strategies to boost your sales opportunities. Take small steps every day to increase your market share and client engagement. Simply put, start chatting with lots of people.

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