How to Create the Sales Career You Want
Your career in commercial real estate sales comes down to one main thing, and that is meeting new people. From those ‘face to face’ meetings, listings and commissions evolve.
If you want to grow your sales business, then meetings are foundational to that. In this podcast today you can learn how to build some churn and activity in your real estate sales career.
Real Estate Opportunities
Look for the opportunities. The commercial property market will change throughout the year and as part of that, every salesperson should have a focus on individual performance both in commissions and listings. So, you need some strategies and these ideas here today will help you.
The challenges of the property market need to be seen and optimized at a local level by an agent. That is a personal process for every salesperson in the property industry. Get your diary and your actions focused on meeting new people.
The real estate business grows when you are fostering and encouraging client and prospect connections. Have a listen to the podcast today: