Overcome Procrastination in Commercial Real Estate Agency

In commercial real estate agency, discipline and action are the key factors of driving better personal market share and commissions.  There is no place for ‘procrastination’ when you are a real estate agent. The agents that ‘procrastinate’ are those that struggle in many different ways.  Commissions and listings do not come easily today so regular…

Ways to Develop a Personal Marketing Plan in Commercial Real Estate Agency

Ways to Develop a Personal Marketing Plan in Commercial Real Estate Agency

In commercial real estate agency, you must develop a personal marketing plan to spread the word about your relevance as a top agent.  If you follow through on the plan every day, market share gets a whole lot easier. The secret to building your commercial real estate business is in ongoing contact.  In other words,…

What Should Agents Expect with Commercial Real Estate Marketing and Advertising Today

As agents and specialists in commercial property marketing today, we need to provide specific promotional solutions for the properties that we exclusively list.  Exclusive listings should be handled with more focus and commitment.  Openly listed properties should receive minimal effort and only basic attention. It is hard for some new agents to the commercial property…