Lease Strategies for Working With Investment Clients in Commercial Real Estate

In commercial real estate agency you will have investment clients that are purchasing and leasing properties for various reasons.  When they approach you as the agent to find a tenant, there are some issues to consider and balance as part of that process. The basic rule to consider is that a tenant should be chosen…

How to be a Top Leasing Advisor in Commercial Real Estate Agency

In commercial real estate it is essential that your market share as an agent be growing and strengthening at every opportunity.  There are different ways to do that.  Perhaps the easiest way is for you to regard yourself as and ‘advisor’ and property specialist.  You can then ‘sell’ yourself and your experience in a particular…

Watch for Critical Dates and Lease Issues in Commercial Real Estate

Watch for Critical Dates and Lease Issues in Commercial Real Estate

In commercial property management and leasing, the leases and the tenants in a property are critical to the income cash flow for the landlord.  You as the property manager must watch for the upcoming lease changes and renewals.  They are called ‘critical dates’ and they should be tracked and actioned early or on time in…

Commercial Property Management Challenges for Agents Today

Commercial Property Management Challenges for Agents Today

The commercial property management process can be quite a challenge when it comes to controlling workload and getting results.  The same can be said about retail property and shopping center management.  On that basis every property manager should be well chosen for skills, knowledge and relevance to the property type. The skill set behind the…

Talking About Leasing Plans with Landlords in Commercial Real Estate

When it comes to leasing commercial real estate today, some landlords have little real understanding of all the leasing facts and issues in the market.  Whilst they may think they comprehend market rent and rental evidence, the real situation is commonly that they will not have the up to date facts of tenant enquiry and…

Achieve Your Commission Goals in Commercial Real Estate Leasing

In commercial or retail real estate today, the leasing opportunities remain active and diverse.  Quality properties will be of greater attraction to most tenants due to quality of improvements and location.  Services and amenities will also have something to do with the needs and choices of tenants as they look to relocate.  As agents we…

Franchise Tenants are a Big Leasing Opportunity for Commercial Real Estate Agents

When you work in commercial and retail real estate agency you will soon see the value of working with franchise tenants from a leasing perspective.  These successful franchise groups need good properties that satisfy their occupancy requirements and business plan. Franchise tenants are a proven business type and model.  They have an ideal demographic that…