Commercial Real Estate Marketing and On-line Visibility – How Can You Create a Massive Market Presence For Your Brokerage?

If you look around your town or city you will likely see many other brokers and agents claiming to be the ‘best’ in the industry.  The fact of the matter is that most are very ‘generic’ and not specialised.  If you want to stand out in the industry you will need to specialise and market…


Marketing Distribution Systems in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

Every commercial real estate broker or agent should use a direct approach to marketing so they build dominant market share and listing opportunity.  To do this you will require marketing distribution plans and systems. Think about how you want to get your message and services to the right people locally.  In most cases you should…


Valuable Strategies for Listing and Marketing Commercial Property

Every commercial or retail property that is taken to the market for sales or lease will have some variables to be understood and optimised.  Some properties will also have factors of weakness to be addressed prior to the commencement of the marketing campaign. It is a fact that the packaging of a listing will help…

Creative Marketing Works Better in Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

In commercial real estate today, your marketing efforts as a broker or agent should be well considered.  Understand that everything you do in promoting a property for sale or lease could be better.  There are variables to consider and improvements to be made.  There are opportunities to capture. Top agents really know how to market…

Accelerated Marketing Tips for Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

Accelerated Marketing Tips for Commercial Real Estate Brokerage

When it comes to selling or leasing a commercial or retail property, the marketing process needs to be carefully considered and focused towards the beginning of the campaign.  The first four weeks of any marketing campaign will be the most important.  During that time you should attract the right people to the property and the…

Proactive Proposals Win More Commercial Real Estate Listings

When it comes to promoting a commercial or retail property today, the proposals that you present to the client should be well crafted and relevant to the current market conditions.  The days of the generic proposals are well gone.  Make every proposal opportunity the best presentation possible. Get involved at a personal level to show…