man hollding ipad with direct mail piece

Direct Mail Template Commercial Real Estate Sales

There are many ways to find listings, and the best way forward with that is to mix a few strategies together. That could be cold calls, business card drop, door knocking, and in this case, direct mail.

This direct mail piece has been used effectively by many real estate agents and brokers over the years. It is sent in a continuing way to people that purchased a commercial property locally around 4 years ago.

sales graph over city scene
Grow your real estate market with direct mail pieces.

Direct Mail Strategy

So what can you do with it? Each month research some more people that puchased their property around 4 years ago. Each week you can do some more research on old sales records, and send out a group of letters to the targeted people. Twenty letters a week is plenty.

The logic of the letter is that 4 years is usually the time when property investors are thinking about the next step in activity or change. The letter is sent out regularly in small numbers, so that each letter can be followed up with a telephone call where possible.

Over time you can get to know plenty of property people locally from this direct approach. That can then lead to meetings and or discussions. Ultimately listings are then more possible.

marketing letter for commercial real estate agents
Use this direct mail marketing piece for commercial real estate agents.

Download the Letter Here

The letter is in simple PDF format and can be changed to suit email or traditional mail. Either way the message is simple and relevant. In this changing property market, that is a good thing. Download the marketing letter for commercial real estate here, or above.

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