real estate agents walking and talking

Developing a Real Estate Listing Advantage Today

Have you ever wanted a source of new listings? Given that the property market is changing, new listings are a good thing.

It is interesting to notice that many real estate agents and brokers struggle with having very few or no listings at all, despite receiving a high volume of inquiries from prospective buyers and tenants.

In that situation, they search the market thoroughly to locate the ideal property and the appropriate listing. That is time-wasting. They will then need to negotiate with other agents who hold listings for the properties.

If any of these descriptions fit you, then you have an issue with prospecting.

In today’s audio program we share ideas about how you can do more with your existing listings, thereby creating a list of potential clients and property owners that you can also help in the future.

Keeping Real Estate Simple

It is not complicated. It is the process of listing leverage, and it will allow you to show your influence in the property market.

Your strength as an agent today and in the future is driven by your ability to build strategies and leverage points in brokerage.

Where do you start? You need to take a careful look at how you are prospecting and find ways to enhance it; you also need to become involved in more real estate prospecting so that you can reach the correct people who have properties that are ideal for you.

real estate team meeting
Establish your listing creation pipeline

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