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6 Key Internet Marketing Principles for Commercial Real Estate Agents

The internet is now a significant part of the commercial real estate business.  Agents and salespeople should not take it for granted but use it productively and professionally.  There are special things that can be done to attract personal profile and listing relevance on the internet.

So what do most agents do on the internet?  They publish their listings and hope for response and enquiry to come back.  They use the industry portal and their own website for that listing marketing purpose.  So now there are many more things that can be added to the promotional process and that should be used and optimised.

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The Primary Goal Marketing Property Online Today

The primary goal of using the internet in commercial real estate is to get enquiries back.  Here are some facts and ideas that can help you with that outcome.

  1. Place your listed property on the best industry portal and as part of that process pay the extra money for a priority placement in the given suburb and property type.  If the property is of some quality it is essential that you do this, otherwise, the listing will get lost in the website amongst other more ordinary and ‘stale’ listings.
  2. The advert for the property should be written with due regard for the best keywords that are relevant in the search engine results for that property type.  You can get an update of those keywords from the search engines using a keyword search tool.
  3. Use quality professional photographs to sell the image of the property to readers of the advert.  Good photographs attract the eye of the reader.
  4. The same property listing should be placed on your agency website but in doing so, rewrite the advert so it reads differently than that which is already on the industry portal.  In that way you will get more search engine exposure.  Search engines look for unique property listings and on that basis will not rank highly a repeated advert from another site.
  5. Write some regular articles about your property speciality and local area.  Put those articles on an article directory.  To find out the big directories to choose from simply search ‘article directories’ on one of the search engines; choose the best one at the top of the rankings.  Each article should be written with a reference back to you and your website.  Given that you are writing about a local property area and property type, it will help your personal profile on the internet.  Each article should be over 400 words in length to be of relevance and depth.
  6. Start a personal blog as an expert on local property.  The blog can be linked back to your website and promote you personally as an industry expert.  This is a great strategy but it does require consistency and regularity.  Each blog should be about 400 words in length.

These simple strategies on the internet are very powerful.  You can link the articles and the blogs that you have written back to your social media groups and put similar links on your newsletters.  That will help in showing your knowledge and marketing skills to those that are in your social media group and on your database.

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