Commercial Property Management Crisis Control Plans
When you manage a large building today you should have a crisis management plan to get you through the pressures of unexpected events. The larger the building, the more likely it is that something will go wrong.
Think about these issues:
- Electrical failure
- Flooding
- Fire
- Personal injury
- Burglary or terrorism event
- Goods damaged or stolen, etc
It is very much the case that larger buildings generate more problems simply because there are many more things going on. Tenants and visitors to a managed property should be controlled and directed in the case of any crisis event.
Here are some other ideas to merge into your crisis plan:
- Every building is different in configuration, age and profile, so you will need an emergency evacuation plan that is professionally prepared by qualified consultants. The plan should take into account the design of the building, the factors of occupant use, and the laws that apply to occupational health and safety as well as building occupancy. From a risk perspective consultants of this type will integrate into your risk management plan for the property. They will also take into take into account building code factors that may require special attention.
- When something goes wrong you will need members of your property management team to help you with responses, the tenants, the public and the media. Every person should have a role to fill and they should know exactly what they need to do in an event.
- Loss of rent can be a big problem in a major property event. Your leases are likely to offer the landlord some protection, however loss of rent insurance or consequential loss insurance should be considered to protect the landlord’s income position. It directly follows that the required claim processes and forms should be readily at hand for when you need them.
- Review the lease documents for each tenant so you know how those leases impact the property use and tenant occupancy in any crisis or injury event. All leases are potentially different, so read them all.
- Understand who your tenants are and how to contact them when something goes wrong in a property.
- Your building contractors that handle property maintenance will all have an important role to fulfil when the property has faults or is damaged. Ensure that they can help you 24/7 when the needs arise (and they will).
- Some properties require special contingency plans. That would largely involve tenant and visitor control. Those contingencies will support you when property challenges are large.
On a final note with these things, ensure that you record all problems and events associated with a building crisis. At a later time you will need to provide notes and evidence to help you make claims and remedy building problems. Good records will help you get through.